Tuesday, August 29, 2006

And So It Begins...

Today was our first day of school! We started about 7:15 with breakfast and a devotion with the Bible verse Ethan is learning this week. We started "school" at about 7:45 and were pretty much done by about 11:30. In case you think we're slacking we had these subjects today: Bible, phonics (3 lessons), math (2 lessons), poetry, cursive writing, art (drawing/coloring), reading, and snacks & recess, which I'm told are absolutely necessary! Oh, Ethan also had some seatwork to complete.

So, just how much time are people wasting in school being told to turn around, face the front, line up for (x,y,z), stop talking, etc.??

Isaac had some playtime and we worked on a few worksheets as Ethan did his seatwork. We are waiting for his curriculum to arrive.

Today feels like it was very successful - children learning , a sane Mom and we got lots of other errands done, as well! Praise be to God!

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